You're Not Sick. You're Thirsty.

photo credit: Eduardo Gutierrez via

Water is the foundation of health.

It accounts for up to 70% of your physical composition and is paramount for many functions within the body -- from eliminating waste to maintaining a healthy internal temperature.

Without an adequate water supply, your body would not have enough fluids to carry out its vital functions. And, since you lose water every day through normal functions (sweat, urine, etc), doctors always recommend that you drink plenty of water each day. This can help you stay active & energetic while avoiding dehydration.

Unfortunately, though, dehydration is a very common problem. One that can lead to some pretty severe complications such as seizures, swelling of the brain, kidney failure, shock, coma and even death.

photo credit: Stephen Leonardi via

But don’t worry, those are the more extreme side effects that don’t happen as often. The most common signs of dehydration that do happen often are feeling dizzy, lightheaded, and really, really tired. I don’t know about you but I know a LOT of people who experience these symptoms on a regular basis. As a matter of fact, I used to be one of them! Until I discovered that I was just chronically dehydrated. I drank water. But not nearly enough of it. Nor did I have electrolyzed reduced Kangen water at the time and the water that I was drinking was simply not hydrating me enough. I was so sick. Or at least I thought I was.

But, guess what? I wasn’t sick. I was just thirsty! And you might be, too.

If you find yourself getting dizzy or lightheaded often throughout the day. Or wondering “Why do I feel tired all the time?” you should ask yourself this: “Am I drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day?” Before relying on more coffee, investing in supplements, or searching for the ‘magic cure’ for your symptoms, try drinking A MINIMUM OF 8 glasses of water every day for at least two weeks. If you’re already a very active person then try drinking even more! See how you feel then.

And remember that not all water is created equal.

Ask us for some of our delicious and nutritious ionized alkaline micro-clustered Kangen water as it’s been shown to absorb into the cells of your body more efficiently thus hydrating you up to 6x faster than ordinary tap water or overpriced bottled water!

Note: This Content is not intended as medical advice or to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or symptoms you are feeling.


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